I got through phases in my work, I will often find a new way of working that I find exciting, and it stays with me for a little while.
This latest one is very interesting to me. I have fallen in love with monoprinting, and I create lots of drawings in one go. But I don’t usually like many of them, though they all have a section I will find interesting. So I cut them up, piece them together with the other bits I find appealing, then add colour, or leave them as they are. I have also enjoyed putting them on coloured paper which is a nice change from the white background.
I just love paper. Every now and again, I try working on canvas, but really my loves are drawing and collaging. It is not impossible to collage on canvas, but it’s a bit tricky if you’re using big pieces of paper.
I am also writing and illustrating a children’s story, and I have decided that the illustrations would be abstract. I have also been using this method working on them.
I am writing this on a Monday. Mondays are really hard for me, it takes me a while to get going, so I’ve decided to write a blog post every Monday morning…